A selection of interesting logos. Issue #20
![Nikolay Ironov Blog Post Thumbnail](/media/post/img/IMAGE_2024-04-17_120332.jpg)
![Andrei Mekhanikov](/media/post/authors/img/IMAGE_2024-03-06_162753.jpg)
1. Ironov created the logo of the sports brand of swimwear Quarter.
2. Logo for the company Beton-Trade. Client brief: "Concrete production, sand, crushed stone, concrete pump, concrete delivery, monolithic works, house construction".
3. Ironov created a logo for Yoyo, a company that sells coffee and tea in paper cups.
4. Logo for Ilya Korotchenko's studio, which deals with sculptural monuments.
5. Logo for a DJ who creates the best mixes for fitness parties.
51513A selection of interesting logos. Issue #20